Sign-up Sheets / Volunteer Opportunities

Hello Friends!

This is where Kiwanis members can sign up for our activities and volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer to greet members as they arrive and to provide the invocation at the beginning of each weekly meeting.

Volunteer to deliver hot meals to homes of people who are homebound or unable to prepare food for themselves either because of age, recent hospitalization, or disability.

Volunteer facilitators assist groups that have volunteered to package meals for HHAH. The facilitator keeps supplies stocked on the packing lines and provides instruction and quality control over the volunteers on each packing line.

Volunteers represent purchasing companies and bid on delinquent properties that are up for sale each year during the statewide property tax sale. This year, we are being asked to attend the tax sales in Adams and Hall counties. Times and details will be provided closer to the date but all sales are conducted in the morning.

Pancake Day is our club’s single largest fundraiser of the year to make possible all of our many projects to benefit children in the area and around the world. Pancake Day is on Tuesday March 11 from 7 am to 7 pm. There are several volunteer opportunities throughout the day. We also need a number of volunteers to help setup and wash equipment on Monday March 10 starting at noon and finishing around 5:00 pm. All members are asked to help when and where they can during these two days.
